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We can't wait to work with you. Find out the range of products and services that we are offering in top heading section. Visit our gallery section for beautiful collection photos and vedios of honey bees and their related products.
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About Us

About Our Company

This company is still just a dream. That works for educating people to promote farming of honey bees and their related products in the state and worldwide as well. The company has owned thousands of beehives of Italian brand appis malifera, Indian spices like cerena, etc and deal with to provide education services, orders and services related to honey bee's product. For more information about the products and services go to side sections. The company has also deal with manufacturing and selling of equipments need to farming honey bees, all at a very competitive price.   

Product and Services

More than 10 different types of products our company is dealing with, the products such as honey, 

Educational Section 

To bring diversity in the farming field and to strengthen the economical condition of the farmers, we educate people to farm honey bees along with their chossed profession. farming honey bees is a win win situation for both the farmers and the residents.  One mouthful in three of the foods you eat directly or indirectly depends on pollination by honey bees. The value of honey bee pollination to U.S. agriculture is more than $14 billion annually, according to a Cornell University study. Crops from nuts to vegetables and as diverse as alfalfa, apple, cantaloupe, cranberry, pumpkin, and sunflower all require pollinating by honey bees. we provide this education services free of cost and also give 2 hives and tools worth more than 10 thousand free of cost but only after completion of the course successfully with extraordinary performance. click on the about logo to know more about the list of the courses.


Message -: The Message is " The World has endless opportunities. The Key to Success is Give Respect and Take Respect and Remain BEE ++ towards every situation"